Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Carrots 5¢!!

Carrots 5¢!!

Tube of choice, I used artwork by Suzanne Woolcott
Scrap used A blessed Easter By ScrappingMar (FTU)
Font of choice, I used Pea Lacy Chunky
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9

This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!

Open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar54 duplicate and close the original.Resize by 80% smartsize, Go up to image and canvas size and make it 800x750 so you have plenty of room to work with. Add a new layer and flood fill white, send this to the bottom. Now go back to the frame layer and image rotate, rotate to the right by 86%. move towards the left of the image, open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar53 c/p as a new layer, image resize by 80% and rotate to the left by 86%Move this over to the right side of your image, and down a little bit, Now open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar66 c/p as a new layer,image resize by 75% arrange so it covers the bottom area of your frames.
Open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar79 c/p as a new layer image resize by 24% arrange to your liking, open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar80 c/p as a new layer and resize by 24% arrange to your liking . or use my tag as an example. Now open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar39 c/p as a new layer, image resizeby 24% move to the bottom edge of your frame that may be showing (Under the bunny carrot) layer duplicate, and mirror. now grab your magic wand and click inside one of your frames, modify and expand by 6 and selections invert, choose a paper of choiceand c/p as a new layer, hit delete and select none, arrange this layer so it is BELOW your frame layer, for the frame that is overlapping the other frame you want to make sure the paper layer is JUST below that layer but above the other frame layer, (hope this makes sense) I used
ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar4 and ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar6, you can add any other elements you liketo your tag. I added ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar12 and a circle mask as well, but this is your choice. Now you can choose what tube or tubes you want to use, once you are satisfied with your tag, add a dropshadow of choice to your elements. hide your white background and merge visiable, now I always resize my tag before adding my copyright infoas this makes it stay clearer. Add your name and save your tag the way you like

I hope you enjoyed this tut

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