Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Magical Garden

The Magical Garden

Tube of choice, I used artwork Jennifer L. Nilsson and Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Zoe's Magical Garden by Soxsational scraps you can purchase this kit Aussie Scrap Designs Font of choice, Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new Image 750x750 flood fill white (I always start with a large canvas to have room to play with)open TW-ZMG-hill and c/p as a new layer, move it down towards the bottom of your image, layer duplicate and on the originallayer go adjust blur gaussian blur 12.00. open TW-ZMG- Tree House and c/p as a new layer, move over the the left side of you grassy hill, I resized mine by 80% Open TW-ZMG-Grass and c/p as a new layer, resize by 50% move over to the left side and cover the bottom edge of your treehouse and the grassy hill, layer duplicate and image mirror, there will be a little gap between them if you resize like I did I duplicated the layer once more and moved it over the empty space, also trying to line up the bottom edge as well, Open TW-ZMG-Paper3 and c/p as a new layer right above your white background, resize it by 73% and add a round mask of choice, I turned the opacity down on this layer to about 60% this is your choice if you want to or not, Open TW-ZMG-Vine2 and c/p as a new layer, move it to the left behind your tree house now do the same with the TW-ZMG-Vine1 I mirrored this one and moved it down a bit, and cropped off what was showing below my grass, open TW-ZMG-Fea3, c/p as a new layer, arrange bring this layer to the top, image resize by 20% and image mirror I have her watering one of the flowers near the top of the tree house. Open TW-ZMG-Fea2 and c/p her as a new layer, Image resize by 25% arrange to your liking, Open TW-ZMG-Flower6 c/p as a new layer image resize by 25% arrange this to your liking, Open TW-ZMG-Clouds2 and c/p as a new layer, image resize by 45% duplicate this and mirror, arrange them to your liking, I used my Hue Map to colorize mine, if you want yours to look like that use these settings across the board, 198/323/317/312/321/323/323/300/335/338 saturation shift 11,lightness shift 0 open TW-ZMG-Sun2 and c/p as a new layer, image mirror and image resize by 43% I placed it behind one layer of my clouds and above the other layer, like it is peeking out. Open TW-ZMG-Flower 5 and c/p as a new layer, I put this over to the right hand side of my tag, I did not resize this one and it is up in the clouds a bit, you can add any other elements that you like to your tag, or Tubes of choice, Add a drop shadow of choice to your elements, I did not add one to the clouds or grass, (I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info, it makes this seem clearer), add your name and copy right information and Save the way you prefer to save tags, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

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