Sugery Sweet Tube of choice, I used artwork Elias Chatzoudis and Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Sugery Sweet by Addicted 2 Scraps Template used Designs by Ali Valentine Template 2 Font of choice, I used Sharpie Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 Plugin used Eye Candy 4000 (gradient Glow) Open template, duplicate and close the oringinal, go image canvas size, resize up to 750x750 now flood fill the copyright layerwith white and send to bottom. select all, Open A2S_SS5 copy and paste as a new layer above the white layer now go image crop to selection, select none and apply mask of choice. When using a template this is how I do it, may help others may not,I grab my magic wand and go to the layer I will be working on, IE Raster one right now, I click OUTSIDE the rectangle on this layer(this way you dont have to do the select all, float, defloat, selections invert steps every time It is already done for you lol. )Find a paper that you would like to use as a background in your frame, I usually use something that compliments my tube. in thisexample I used A2S_SS4. paste as a new layer and hit delete. select none and delete the original rectangle layer. using your magic wand go to frame layer, click inside and outside the frame layer, choose a paper of choice and copy and pasteas a new layer, hit delete select none. I used A2S_SS10. delete the original frame layer. Select the banner layer and repeat, as above,I choose A2S_SS3 select none and delete the original banner layer. Now go to the Bracket layer, select with your magic wandfind a paper of choice, and copy and paste as a new layer, delete, and select none , delete the original bracket layer, I choose to useA2S_SS6. Go to your Heart layer, doing the same as above, you can if you want leave your heart the original color or you can use a paper of choice, I used A2S_SS9, Now you can add some elements of choice, I used A2S_SS59, resized by 55% and moved it downbelow my heart layer, Image rotate, free rotate, to the right by 9%. I also used A2S_SS56 resized by 45% this time and moved it down below the heart layer, image rotate free rotate to the left by 9% . I used A2S_SS83 and pasted it as a new layer sending to the top,image rotate free rotate to the left by 6%, and arranged to lay over the bracket layer. I also added a candystick behind my heartI choose, A2S_SS63 copy and pasted it above my sucker and below the heart layer, image resize by, 45% image rotate free rotate by 15%. I used A2S_SS39 resized by 15% and moved it right below my string layer in the middle of the bow at the top, I did the same thingwith A2S_SS40 but put it under the bow at the bottom of the string layer,. Now you can use the word art that is on the templateor you can Change it, I changed mine using Bankgothic MD BT size 30 with a kerning set at -75. you would rotate to the left by11% to make it line up right. Now is where I added my gradient glow to the heart layer, the bracket layer, and the banner layer, I used 3.00/ 0 / 100 color white. Apply dropshadow of choice to your elements, To make your tube look like the top half is out of theframe and the bottom half is in the frame paste the tube below your frame layer, select all (on the tube) float defloat, go up to yourframe layer and erase the frame that is covering the part you want sticking out, select none, no go to your tube layer and using theeraser tool erase any bits that are sticking out that you dont want sticking out (hope this made sense lol) when you are happy withyour tag, hide the white background layer, and merge visable. I always resize my tag before adding the copyright info so it will beclearer, add your name and save the way you prefer to save tags.
I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü
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