Spring Has Sprung Tube of choice, I used artwork Rion Vernon and Suzanne Woolcott in my second tag Scrap used Spring Has Sprung by Gemini's Creationz Font of choice, Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image 750x750 flood fill white (I always start big to have room to work, you can resize later!) Open gcz_shs_table copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 65% smartsize. now open gcz_shs_chair1 and also chair 2 copy and paste each as a new layerresize one by 88% and move it below the table layer. leave the other chair the size it is and leave that layer above the table layer.Open gcz-shs-hill and copy and paste as a new layer, move it down to right above the white layer, duplicate and mirror the hill and arrange it to where it overlaps the original layer (use my tag as an example) I did this 4 times, making it look like a grassy area. when you have this area looking like you like hide the white layer and your table and chairs leaving just the grassy hills visable, merge them all together, duplicate this layer and on the original go adjust blur, gaussian blur 12.00. unhide your other layers now, Open gcz-shs- path, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange this layer above the grass and below the table. now you want to open you gcz-shs- rainbow, paste as a new layer, image rotate to the left by 45% now duplicate and mirror, make the two line up to look like one largerainbow. once you are happy with it, merge the two layers together and lower the opacity down to 50%. Open gcz-shs-daffodils and paste as a new layer, resize it by 20% and move down to hide one of your table legs layer duplicate and mirror, now rotate this by 9% to the left. open gcz-shs-egg6 copy and paste as a new layer resize by 20% and move it in front of your daffodils. open your gcz-shs -baby-chick and copy and paste as a new layer, resize it by 20%and move it a little below the chick in the egg,. now go to your whitelayer, and using your selection tool draw out a rectangle a little wider then your grass layer, but not below your grass layer, add a new layer and fill the selected area with #ddeef7 select none and add a mask of choice, I used Artmama's mask 06, add your tubes of choice to your tag, and drop shadow of choice to your elements, I did not add one to the table. when you are happy with your tag and the placement of your elements, hide your white background layer, and merge visable, I resize my tags before I add my copyright info,add your correct copyright info and your name and save the tag how you like to save them, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü
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