What you need : Tube of choice, I am using Suzanne Woolcott Font of choice, I used TwinkleStar by RobScrap kit, My Flower Garden by addicted 2 scraps Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
Open a new image 650x650 flood fill white, Open el 124 copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 75% move toward the bottom of your image, open el 120 copy and paste as a new layer, move below your fence layer, open el 108 copy and paste as a new layer above your fence layer resize by 80% move down and hide the bottom edge of your fence. layer duplicate, image mirror and move this below your tree layer (right above your white layer) Open el 101 copy and paste as a new layer above the top grass layer, image resize by 35%, move to the right side of the grass layer, open el 102 paste as a new layer resize by 35% move to the left side of your grassy area, open el 87 copy and paste it as a new layer, resize by 35% move down to your flower box, layer duplicate and move over a bit to fill in your flower box. open el 119 and copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 25% duplicate and fill up your flower box I mirrored a few of mine, open el 81 copy and paste as a new layer, arrange and move down above the tree and below the fence layer, image flipand resize by 35% and have it look like it is propped against the tree. open el 95 copy and paste as a new layer making it your top layer, image resize by 10% duplicate and mirror move it down a bit on your tag, duplicate and mirror again and then image rotate free rotate by 21% to the right and move it down a little bit more, open el 111 copy and paste it as a new layer, image resize by 10% and place it in your tree somewhere, now add your tube of choice if you want, now add drop shadow of choice to your elements, I did not drop shadow the tree, feathers or grass as it seemed a bit much But this is your choice, now hid your background layer and mearge visable, add a new raster layer and flood fill with #e0ebf8 and add a round mask of choice, merge visable again now is when I resize my tag, (before adding my copyright info so it stays clear) I resized mine by 85% bicubic added my copyright and name and you are done hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü
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