Tube of choice, I used artwork Jennifer l nilsson
Scrap used Ready for Spring by Sticky Kisses Designs
Font of choice, I used Beagle Boys NF
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!
Open a new image 750x750 flood fill white, open skd_paper4 copy and paste as a new layer, apply mask (I used wsl mask117)open skd_frame1 copy and paste as a new layer, image rotate free rotate to the right by 90%, grab your magic wand, click inside your frame, selections modify expand by 6, selections invert, copy and paste your skd_paper4 again above the mask layer, below the frame layer, hit delete, leave selected, open skd_sunflower and copy and paste as a new layer, move to the upper left corner inside the frame, hit delete, go up and change the blend mode to luminance and drop the opacity to 50% hit delete to get rid of any flower that is showing outside the frame. select none. Open skd_flowerart1, copy and paste as a new layer, move this to the upper right of your frame and them move this layer to right above your mask layer, open skd_sunflower again and copy and paste as a new layer, place this overlapping the flower art that you just placed, layer duplicate, bring this layer to the top resize by 60% move to the bottom right of the frame, duplicate and resize this by 90% and move a little to the left overlapping the first flower you placed on top of the frame.Open skd_string, copy and paste it as a new layer, resize it by 60% image mirror, now grab your free hand selections tool and select the strings and delete them, move this over to the top left of your frame, open skd_flower copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 60% image mirror and then image rotate to the left by 35% move it over the top edge of the white tag you just placed. open skd-ivy copy and paste it as a new layer, image rotate to the right by 35% now image resize it by 60% place it on the right hand side of yourframe, and move the layer down below your 2 flowers at the bottom, layer duplicate, move this up the frame just a bit so it overhangsthe top edge, layer duplicate again, move this layer down below the frame layer, and the paper layer but above the 2 flowers that arebehind the frame, arrange to your liking, layer duplicate once more and image mirror and move this down a bit on the left hand side of the frame, Now if you want your tube sticking out of your frame like the gorjuss version, this is what you would do. copy and paste your tube, move it below your frame layer, select all on the tube layer, grab your eraser and erase the frame that is covering the top of your tube, select none, and then erase any of the tube that is sticking out of the frame that you dont want to show. add a drop shadow of choice to all your elements. hide your white background layer and merge visable, as always I resize my tag before adding my copyrightinfo, I added my info to the white tag on my tag. add your copyright info and your name, and save your tag the way that you like to save them,
I hope you enjoyed this tut
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Spring Awakening
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