A Fairies World Tube of choice, I used artwork Rion Vernon Scrap used Pipi's World by Gemini's Creationz Font of choice, I used Affair by Rob Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 Open a new image 750x750 flood fill white (I like to work large, you can always resize and crop later)open gcz-element 20 copy and paste as a new layer,Open gzc-element25 and copy and paste as a new layer move up and to the left and then move it below the circle frame layer. open gcz-element30 copy and paste as a new layer, move down below the flower layer and resize by 70%, layer duplicate and then image mirror, arrange to your liking, use your freehand selection tool and select the stem that is showing and hit delete, move this below the first leaf element you put on the tag. open gcz-element 17 copy and paste as a new layer, image mirror move this layer below the frame layer and have it over towards the left hand side (You can use my tag as an example)
grab your magic wandclick inside your frame and modify expand by 6, Open gcz-paper1 copy and paste as a new layer below your frame, selectionsinvert , hit delete. select none, open gcz-element29 copy and paste as a new layer above your frame layer, position towards thebottom right of the frame. open gcz-element 7 copy and paste as a new layer, below the string button and above the framelayer, open gcz-pw-pippi and copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 50%, image mirror and move to the left of yourframe. add a drop shadow of choice to your elements, I use 2, 2, 50 , 5 black. Now add a tube of choice, inside your frame,how I made mine look like she is sticking out the top of the frame is this paste your tube below your frame layer, select all float defloat, now go to the frame layer, and using your eraser tool erase the frame that would be over her face, select none, now goto the tube layer and erase any other bits that are sticking out "BELOW" the frame layer, so it looks like part of it is in the frame and part is out, add your dropshadow of choice. now hide your white background layer and merge visable. unhide the whitebackground layer, select all on that layer, and then select the tag layer and crop to selection, this clears anything that may havebeen outside of your working area (IE The paper) I resize my tag before I add the copyright info so it will be clearer. add yourcopyright info and name and save. Hope you enjoyed this tut
smiles christy Ü
example using Suzanne Woolcott Tube
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