Some Bunny Loves you
Tube of choice, I used artwork by Elias Chatzoudis and Suzanne Woolcott
Scrap used Spring Has Sprung By Gemini Creationz
Font of choice, I used Dynomite and Aquarelle
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!
Open a new image, 850 x750 (will need some room to work) flood fill with white now Open gcz-shs-frame6 c/p as a new layerimage rotate to the right by 85% image resize by 60%, now duplicate and mirror do this until you have 4 frames, you will need torotate each a bit to the left or right (anywhere from 9 to 12 %) now line them up where at least ONE part of each frame is touching,or overlapping like mine are (I did flip 2 of mine as well) now open gcz-shs-string, c/p as a new layer, move it up to the top of the frameswe are going to make this weave in and out of your frames, what I did was select the first frame and then erased part of the string so itlooks like it goes through the frame and out underneath towards frame two, deselect and continue with each frame this way, weaving the string in and out. open gcz-shs button 2 and c/p as a new layer, I added this to 2 areas where the string touched my frames, resize by 40% you can rotate this a bit if you like, now do the same with gcz-shs-button1, resize by 35% this time, now open each letter that spells Spring, resize each by 40% and paste as a new layer, arrange to your liking, I put all mine to the left hand side at the bottomand added has sprung with the a scripty font in a color that complimented the other colors used in my tag, now open gcz-shs-ladybugc/p as a new layer image resize by 18% and arrange on to one of your frames, you can duplicate this and have a couple here and there if you like I added gcz-shs-paper14 and then added a mask to that arrange and move it to right above your white layer. now add your tubes of choice. On one example I typed out SOMEBUNNY loves you, added a gradient glow and dropshadowonce you are happy with all placements etc, hide the white background and merge visiable, I resize my tag before adding my copyrightinfo, (so it will be easier to read), add your name and save the way you like to save tags
I hope you enjoyed this tut
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