Just A Little Sassy
Tube of choice, I used artwork by Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Dusky Night by Nette's Nightowl Works you can purchase this kit HERE Font of choice, Template I used is template 110 by Yvette at Essence of Creativity Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!
Open Template 110 by Yvette, duplicate and close the original, image canvas size and resize to 750x750 unhide the white background layer and refill with white, I deleted the word art on my tag. (which is layer 9 on the template) go to raster layer 1 (large black circle) select all float defloat selections modify smooth I have mine set at 10 in each box (this should take care of those jaggady edges you sometimes get on templates) invert. Open paper stripe5 and c/p as a new layer, hit delete and select none. now delete the original circle layer. Now select raster layer 2, repeat as above using paper 7. delete the original layer. Go to raster layer 4 and repeat, this time us paper 5, delete the original layer. Go to raster layer 5 and repeat your selection process again, this time use paper stripe1, delete the original template layer. leave the original template raster layer6 as is. got to raster layer 3 and go through your selection process again, open paper stripe1 and c/p as a new layer, hit delete and select none delete the original layer. Now on this same layer,select all float defloat modify contract by 18 go effects texture effects weave, use these settings Below,
color #e6e3dd in your boxes. select none, now add a drop shadow of choice to your layers. Open flower2 and c/p as a new layer, resize by 30%, place to your liking or use my tag as an example. Do the same with flower3. open textflower2 and c/p as a new layer resize by 20% arrange to your liking. open pretty butterfly2 and c/p as a new layer, resize it by 20% and place to your liking,. Open pretty butterfly 1 c/p as a new layer and resize it by 20%, add a drop shadow of choice to these elements you just added. Now open Sassy and c/p as a new layer, image mirror and move her over to the right side of your tag, I resized her by 90%. add a drop shadow of choice. I added a little word art to example one in layer6 that is set to soft light using Bankgothic mt bt, this is your choice to add this or not. when satisfied with your placement of everything hide the white background layer and merge visable. as always resize your tag before adding your copyright info this will make it stay clearer. Add the proper copyright info and your name to the tag and save as to your preference.
In my second example I selected my raster layer 4 (the dark inner boxes) select all float defloat, selections invert and pasted my tube in the box, hit delete. make sure this is below the raster layer6 that is set to soft light, change your blend mode to screen on the tube layer, and lower the opacity to 50% select none, duplicate and mirror and place this in your bottom box again making sure it is below the raster layer6 that is set to soft light. when you are satisfied with your element placement etc. hide the white background layer and merge visiable, as always resize your tag before adding your copyright info this will make it stay clearer. Add the proper copyright info and your name to the tag and save as to your preference. I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü