Saturday, March 20, 2010

Just A Little Sassy

Just A Little Sassy

Tube of choice, I used artwork by Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Dusky Night by Nette's Nightowl Works you can purchase this kit HERE Font of choice, Template I used is template 110 by Yvette at Essence of Creativity Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!

Open Template 110 by Yvette, duplicate and close the original, image canvas size and resize to 750x750 unhide the white background layer and refill with white, I deleted the word art on my tag. (which is layer 9 on the template) go to raster layer 1 (large black circle) select all float defloat selections modify smooth I have mine set at 10 in each box (this should take care of those jaggady edges you sometimes get on templates) invert. Open paper stripe5 and c/p as a new layer, hit delete and select none. now delete the original circle layer. Now select raster layer 2, repeat as above using paper 7. delete the original layer. Go to raster layer 4 and repeat, this time us paper 5, delete the original layer. Go to raster layer 5 and repeat your selection process again, this time use paper stripe1, delete the original template layer. leave the original template raster layer6 as is. got to raster layer 3 and go through your selection process again, open paper stripe1 and c/p as a new layer, hit delete and select none delete the original layer. Now on this same layer,select all float defloat modify contract by 18 go effects texture effects weave, use these settings Below,

color #e6e3dd in your boxes. select none, now add a drop shadow of choice to your layers. Open flower2 and c/p as a new layer, resize by 30%, place to your liking or use my tag as an example. Do the same with flower3. open textflower2 and c/p as a new layer resize by 20% arrange to your liking. open pretty butterfly2 and c/p as a new layer, resize it by 20% and place to your liking,. Open pretty butterfly 1 c/p as a new layer and resize it by 20%, add a drop shadow of choice to these elements you just added. Now open Sassy and c/p as a new layer, image mirror and move her over to the right side of your tag, I resized her by 90%. add a drop shadow of choice. I added a little word art to example one in layer6 that is set to soft light using Bankgothic mt bt, this is your choice to add this or not. when satisfied with your placement of everything hide the white background layer and merge visable. as always resize your tag before adding your copyright info this will make it stay clearer. Add the proper copyright info and your name to the tag and save as to your preference.

In my second example I selected my raster layer 4 (the dark inner boxes) select all float defloat, selections invert and pasted my tube in the box, hit delete. make sure this is below the raster layer6 that is set to soft light, change your blend mode to screen on the tube layer, and lower the opacity to 50% select none, duplicate and mirror and place this in your bottom box again making sure it is below the raster layer6 that is set to soft light. when you are satisfied with your element placement etc. hide the white background layer and merge visiable, as always resize your tag before adding your copyright info this will make it stay clearer. Add the proper copyright info and your name to the tag and save as to your preference. I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Friday, March 19, 2010

Where Do Your Dreams Take You?

Where do your Dreams Take you? Tube of choice, I used artwork by Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Zoe's Magical Garden by Soxsational Scraps you can purchase this kit HERE Font of choice, I used SassyFrass and Will&Grace Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image 750x750 and flood fill white, open TW-ZMG-paper2 c/p as a new layer and add a mask of choice, I useda round mask. Now open TW-ZMG-Window and c/p as a new layer, image resize by 75% Now grab your magic wandand select inside the window frame, (each section) now selections modify expand by 5 add a new layer and flood fill none, add your tube ( a laying down tube works best, but you can do other variations like example 2), Now open TW-ZMG-vine2c/p as a new layer, arrange this layer so it is on top of the window frame, duplicate and rotate by 90% line the 2 ends up, now duplicate and resize this by say 40% and arrange to your liking, duplicate this layer and rotate to the left by 90%. Open TW-ZMG-Flower9 c/p as a new layer, resize by 18% do the same with TW-ZMG-Flower8 and with TW-ZMG-Flower7 arrange your flowers all over your vine, I placed one where the vines meet. Now open TW-ZMG-Fea1 c/p as a new layer and resize by 18% Do the Same with TW-ZMG-Fea2 and TW-ZMG-Fea3 arrange to your liking. Now open TW-ZMG-Bug2 c/p as a new layer and resize by18% and place on the window seal, I duplicated mine and put one on the top of the window as well. now open TW-ZMG-Bug 1 c/pas a new layer and resize by 15% and place to your liking or use my tag as an example. Now open TW-ZMG-Tree House and c/pas a new layer, arrange this layer to where it is RIGHT above your window layer, mirror and resize by 45% and place on the opposite side of where you have your vines going up the window. On example one I used TW-ZMG-Magical Bling2 on my black background area, if you want to do this as well, grab your magic wand and select outside your black layer, c/p the bling and resize it by 50% and place to your liking hit delete to get rid of any excess hanging outside the window area, arrange layer so it is RIGHT above the black layer, and below your tube layer. Now add a drop shadow of choice to your elements, I used a subtle shadow on some parts and a stronger shadow on others. This is your choice. Now when satisfied with your placement of your elements etc. hide your white background layer and merge visiable. I always resize my tags before adding the copyright info so it is much clearer this way.add your name and save your tag to your preference. I hope you enjoyed this tut as much as I enjoyed writing it smiles christy Ü

Thursday, March 18, 2010

He Is Risen

He Is Risen Tube of choice, I used artwork by Zindy S D Nielson and Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Happy Easter By ScrappingMar Font of choice, I used Affair Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image 750x750 and flood fill white (I like room to work you can resize later) Open Happy Easter_scrappingMar33 andc/p as a new layer, image resize by 60% now open Happy Easter_scrappingMar35 and c/p as a new layer resize this one by 65% and move this layer below the other frame layer. Open Happy Easter_scrappingMar48 and c/p as a new layer, resize this by 40% and move over towards the bottom right of your frame. now Open Happy Easter_scrappingMar83 and c/p as a new layer, I moved this up and a little to the left of my frame. Open Happy Easter_scrappingMar44 and c/p as a new layer resize this by 20% and arrange to your liking, I placed mine on the top right of my frame and banner. Now Open Happy Easter_scrappingMar26 and c/p as a new layer, resize this by 13% arrange to your liking, I duplicated mine and placed them both near my Easter eggs. Mirroring oneand droping the other behind the egg layer. Now Open Happy Easter_scrappingMar22 c/p as a new layer, image resize by 13% and image rotate free rotate to the right by 56% I place this on my little egg pile as well. now choose a paper and add as a new layer, add a mask of choice. Add your tube and a drop shadow of choice, I adjusted the color on my tube to 0 and 0 so they appear black and whiteadd a dropshadow of choice to your elements, I did not add one to the banner as I took away from how pretty it was. hide your white background layer and merge visable, resize your tag to the size you want before adding your copyright info(makes it clearer) add your name and save your tag how you like I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

SomeBunny Loves you

Some Bunny Loves you Tube of choice, I used artwork by Elias Chatzoudis and Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Spring Has Sprung By Gemini Creationz Font of choice, I used Dynomite and Aquarelle Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image, 850 x750 (will need some room to work) flood fill with white now Open gcz-shs-frame6 c/p as a new layerimage rotate to the right by 85% image resize by 60%, now duplicate and mirror do this until you have 4 frames, you will need torotate each a bit to the left or right (anywhere from 9 to 12 %) now line them up where at least ONE part of each frame is touching,or overlapping like mine are (I did flip 2 of mine as well) now open gcz-shs-string, c/p as a new layer, move it up to the top of the frameswe are going to make this weave in and out of your frames, what I did was select the first frame and then erased part of the string so itlooks like it goes through the frame and out underneath towards frame two, deselect and continue with each frame this way, weaving the string in and out. open gcz-shs button 2 and c/p as a new layer, I added this to 2 areas where the string touched my frames, resize by 40% you can rotate this a bit if you like, now do the same with gcz-shs-button1, resize by 35% this time, now open each letter that spells Spring, resize each by 40% and paste as a new layer, arrange to your liking, I put all mine to the left hand side at the bottomand added has sprung with the a scripty font in a color that complimented the other colors used in my tag, now open gcz-shs-ladybugc/p as a new layer image resize by 18% and arrange on to one of your frames, you can duplicate this and have a couple here and there if you like I added gcz-shs-paper14 and then added a mask to that arrange and move it to right above your white layer. now add your tubes of choice. On one example I typed out SOMEBUNNY loves you, added a gradient glow and dropshadowonce you are happy with all placements etc, hide the white background and merge visiable, I resize my tag before adding my copyrightinfo, (so it will be easier to read), add your name and save the way you like to save tags I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Carrots 5¢!!

Carrots 5¢!!

Tube of choice, I used artwork by Suzanne Woolcott
Scrap used A blessed Easter By ScrappingMar (FTU)
Font of choice, I used Pea Lacy Chunky
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9

This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!

Open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar54 duplicate and close the original.Resize by 80% smartsize, Go up to image and canvas size and make it 800x750 so you have plenty of room to work with. Add a new layer and flood fill white, send this to the bottom. Now go back to the frame layer and image rotate, rotate to the right by 86%. move towards the left of the image, open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar53 c/p as a new layer, image resize by 80% and rotate to the left by 86%Move this over to the right side of your image, and down a little bit, Now open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar66 c/p as a new layer,image resize by 75% arrange so it covers the bottom area of your frames.
Open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar79 c/p as a new layer image resize by 24% arrange to your liking, open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar80 c/p as a new layer and resize by 24% arrange to your liking . or use my tag as an example. Now open ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar39 c/p as a new layer, image resizeby 24% move to the bottom edge of your frame that may be showing (Under the bunny carrot) layer duplicate, and mirror. now grab your magic wand and click inside one of your frames, modify and expand by 6 and selections invert, choose a paper of choiceand c/p as a new layer, hit delete and select none, arrange this layer so it is BELOW your frame layer, for the frame that is overlapping the other frame you want to make sure the paper layer is JUST below that layer but above the other frame layer, (hope this makes sense) I used
ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar4 and ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar6, you can add any other elements you liketo your tag. I added ABlessedEaster_ScrappinMar12 and a circle mask as well, but this is your choice. Now you can choose what tube or tubes you want to use, once you are satisfied with your tag, add a dropshadow of choice to your elements. hide your white background and merge visiable, now I always resize my tag before adding my copyright infoas this makes it stay clearer. Add your name and save your tag the way you like

I hope you enjoyed this tut

Monday, March 15, 2010

Have a Sweet Birthday!

Have a Sweet Birthday!! Tube of choice, I used artwork of Rion Vernon and Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Sugary Sweet by Addicted2Scraps Font of choice, Template 31 by Pooker Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 Plugin Mura's Meisters copies, (I am sorry but I cannot find this to download anymore) This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open Pookers Template 31 duplicate and close the original, delete the copyright layer, go to your Stripes layer and select all, float, defloat, selections invert, now open A2S_SS6 paper, c/p as a new layer hit delete and select none and delete the stripes layer,Now select rectangle 1 layer, select all, float, defloat, selections invert and pick another paper of choice, I used A2S_SS7 paperI did the same for rectangle2. Got to shape 1 layer and select all float defloat, selections invert and open A2S_SS13 paper, c/p as a new layer and resize by 65% smartsize. and move to where your selection is and hit delete, select none and now delete the shape 1 layer. Go to Shape 3 layer and select all, float, defloat, selections invert and open A2S_SS3 paper and c/p as a new layer,hit delete, and select none, now delete the shape 3 layer. Now go to shape 2 layer and select all float defloat, selections invertopen A2S_SS4 paper and c/p as a new layer, hit delete and select none, delete your shape 2 layer, Now go to your shape 4 layer,select all float defloat, selections invert and open A2S_SS8 paper and c/p as a new layer, hit delete select none, now delete shape 4layer, ( I have noticed on some templates that you wind up with jaggedy edges, if you experiance this after you select all, float defloat, go modify and smooth by around 10 in both boxes this will take those jaggedy edges away) Okay now that you have all your shapes taken care of we want to add a few elements and tubes, I added some jelly beans, resized by 25% randomly placed, I also added a couple suckers, resized by 25%, then I used a couple cupcakes off of A2S_SS31, I used my freehand selection tool and outlined the ones I wanted to use and c/p them to my tag, Now I hid my white background layer, the strips layer and the rest of the layers, Leave the 2 rectangle layers visiable and merge, using a basic font (I used bank gothic MT BT at size 8 with a kerning set at -75) and typed out Happy Birthday! objects align center, now convert to a raster layer, go to mura's meister copies and use these settings,

now go to your rectangle layer and select all, float defloat, selections invert, and now on the text layer hit delete,select none, and merge down now unhide your other layers, Add your tubes you are going to use at this point, I used my magic wand and selected OUTSIDE the shape, pasted my tube and then used the eraser to get rid of the tube that I didnt want hanging out of the bottom of the shape area, when satisfied with your placements of your elements add a dropshadow of choice and hide the white background layer, and merge visiable. resize your tag before adding your copyright info (it will stay clearer this way) add your name and save your tag the way you like to save them hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Magical Garden

The Magical Garden

Tube of choice, I used artwork Jennifer L. Nilsson and Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Zoe's Magical Garden by Soxsational scraps you can purchase this kit Aussie Scrap Designs Font of choice, Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new Image 750x750 flood fill white (I always start with a large canvas to have room to play with)open TW-ZMG-hill and c/p as a new layer, move it down towards the bottom of your image, layer duplicate and on the originallayer go adjust blur gaussian blur 12.00. open TW-ZMG- Tree House and c/p as a new layer, move over the the left side of you grassy hill, I resized mine by 80% Open TW-ZMG-Grass and c/p as a new layer, resize by 50% move over to the left side and cover the bottom edge of your treehouse and the grassy hill, layer duplicate and image mirror, there will be a little gap between them if you resize like I did I duplicated the layer once more and moved it over the empty space, also trying to line up the bottom edge as well, Open TW-ZMG-Paper3 and c/p as a new layer right above your white background, resize it by 73% and add a round mask of choice, I turned the opacity down on this layer to about 60% this is your choice if you want to or not, Open TW-ZMG-Vine2 and c/p as a new layer, move it to the left behind your tree house now do the same with the TW-ZMG-Vine1 I mirrored this one and moved it down a bit, and cropped off what was showing below my grass, open TW-ZMG-Fea3, c/p as a new layer, arrange bring this layer to the top, image resize by 20% and image mirror I have her watering one of the flowers near the top of the tree house. Open TW-ZMG-Fea2 and c/p her as a new layer, Image resize by 25% arrange to your liking, Open TW-ZMG-Flower6 c/p as a new layer image resize by 25% arrange this to your liking, Open TW-ZMG-Clouds2 and c/p as a new layer, image resize by 45% duplicate this and mirror, arrange them to your liking, I used my Hue Map to colorize mine, if you want yours to look like that use these settings across the board, 198/323/317/312/321/323/323/300/335/338 saturation shift 11,lightness shift 0 open TW-ZMG-Sun2 and c/p as a new layer, image mirror and image resize by 43% I placed it behind one layer of my clouds and above the other layer, like it is peeking out. Open TW-ZMG-Flower 5 and c/p as a new layer, I put this over to the right hand side of my tag, I did not resize this one and it is up in the clouds a bit, you can add any other elements that you like to your tag, or Tubes of choice, Add a drop shadow of choice to your elements, I did not add one to the clouds or grass, (I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info, it makes this seem clearer), add your name and copy right information and Save the way you prefer to save tags, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung Tube of choice, I used artwork Rion Vernon and Suzanne Woolcott in my second tag Scrap used Spring Has Sprung by Gemini's Creationz Font of choice, Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image 750x750 flood fill white (I always start big to have room to work, you can resize later!) Open gcz_shs_table copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 65% smartsize. now open gcz_shs_chair1 and also chair 2 copy and paste each as a new layerresize one by 88% and move it below the table layer. leave the other chair the size it is and leave that layer above the table layer.Open gcz-shs-hill and copy and paste as a new layer, move it down to right above the white layer, duplicate and mirror the hill and arrange it to where it overlaps the original layer (use my tag as an example) I did this 4 times, making it look like a grassy area. when you have this area looking like you like hide the white layer and your table and chairs leaving just the grassy hills visable, merge them all together, duplicate this layer and on the original go adjust blur, gaussian blur 12.00. unhide your other layers now, Open gcz-shs- path, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange this layer above the grass and below the table. now you want to open you gcz-shs- rainbow, paste as a new layer, image rotate to the left by 45% now duplicate and mirror, make the two line up to look like one largerainbow. once you are happy with it, merge the two layers together and lower the opacity down to 50%. Open gcz-shs-daffodils and paste as a new layer, resize it by 20% and move down to hide one of your table legs layer duplicate and mirror, now rotate this by 9% to the left. open gcz-shs-egg6 copy and paste as a new layer resize by 20% and move it in front of your daffodils. open your gcz-shs -baby-chick and copy and paste as a new layer, resize it by 20%and move it a little below the chick in the egg,. now go to your whitelayer, and using your selection tool draw out a rectangle a little wider then your grass layer, but not below your grass layer, add a new layer and fill the selected area with #ddeef7 select none and add a mask of choice, I used Artmama's mask 06, add your tubes of choice to your tag, and drop shadow of choice to your elements, I did not add one to the table. when you are happy with your tag and the placement of your elements, hide your white background layer, and merge visable, I resize my tags before I add my copyright info,add your correct copyright info and your name and save the tag how you like to save them, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Awakening

Awakenings Tube of choice, I used artwork Jennifer l nilsson Scrap used Ready for Spring by Sticky Kisses Designs Font of choice, I used Beagle Boys NF Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image 750x750 flood fill white, open skd_paper4 copy and paste as a new layer, apply mask (I used wsl mask117)open skd_frame1 copy and paste as a new layer, image rotate free rotate to the right by 90%, grab your magic wand, click inside your frame, selections modify expand by 6, selections invert, copy and paste your skd_paper4 again above the mask layer, below the frame layer, hit delete, leave selected, open skd_sunflower and copy and paste as a new layer, move to the upper left corner inside the frame, hit delete, go up and change the blend mode to luminance and drop the opacity to 50% hit delete to get rid of any flower that is showing outside the frame. select none. Open skd_flowerart1, copy and paste as a new layer, move this to the upper right of your frame and them move this layer to right above your mask layer, open skd_sunflower again and copy and paste as a new layer, place this overlapping the flower art that you just placed, layer duplicate, bring this layer to the top resize by 60% move to the bottom right of the frame, duplicate and resize this by 90% and move a little to the left overlapping the first flower you placed on top of the frame.Open skd_string, copy and paste it as a new layer, resize it by 60% image mirror, now grab your free hand selections tool and select the strings and delete them, move this over to the top left of your frame, open skd_flower copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 60% image mirror and then image rotate to the left by 35% move it over the top edge of the white tag you just placed. open skd-ivy copy and paste it as a new layer, image rotate to the right by 35% now image resize it by 60% place it on the right hand side of yourframe, and move the layer down below your 2 flowers at the bottom, layer duplicate, move this up the frame just a bit so it overhangsthe top edge, layer duplicate again, move this layer down below the frame layer, and the paper layer but above the 2 flowers that arebehind the frame, arrange to your liking, layer duplicate once more and image mirror and move this down a bit on the left hand side of the frame, Now if you want your tube sticking out of your frame like the gorjuss version, this is what you would do. copy and paste your tube, move it below your frame layer, select all on the tube layer, grab your eraser and erase the frame that is covering the top of your tube, select none, and then erase any of the tube that is sticking out of the frame that you dont want to show. add a drop shadow of choice to all your elements. hide your white background layer and merge visable, as always I resize my tag before adding my copyrightinfo, I added my info to the white tag on my tag. add your copyright info and your name, and save your tag the way that you like to save them, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ready For Spring

Ready For Spring Tube of choice, I used artwork Rion Vernon and Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Ready for Spring by Sticky Kisses Designs Font of choice, I used Too Much Paper Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 plugins used mura meisters copies (I cannot find anywhere to download this anymore sorry) This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image 750x750 flood fill white, open SKD_flower2 copy and paste it as a new layer, go to effects mura meister copiesuse these settings, now open SKD_flowerart2 and copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 150% smartsizeopen SKD_basket and copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 80%. Open SKD_Chick3 and copy and paste as a new layer,image resize by 50% and arrange to your liking (or use my tag as an example) Open SKD_egg1 copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 50% and arrange to your liking, now open SKD_ivy and copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 44% and now image rotate free rotate to the right by 23% and arrange it to look like it is climbing the basket handle. open SKD_blossoms and copy and paste as a new layer above your white background layer, image resize by 44%, (useing your raster deform tool) move it to the bottom right of your tag, layer duplicate and move this up towards the top right of your tag, merge down (should merge the 2 blossom layers together)layer duplicate, now mirror. merge down again and lower the opacity to 50% open SKD_paper13 and copy and paste as a new layer above your white background layer, image resize by 80% and apply a mask of choice. Now you can add your tube of choice, I placed mine behind the basket, to make it look like it was peeking out on the Gorjuss version. and on the Pinup version just placed her as the top layer, add a drop shadow of choice to your elements, I did not add one to the basket as it made the little clovers look bad, hide you white background layer and merge visable, I always resize my tag to desired size before adding my copyright info (just makes it clearer)add your copyright info and name and save your tag the way you like to save them. hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Just Another Lullaby

Just another Lullaby Tube of choice, I used artwork Jennifer L. Nilsson Scrap used Just Another Lullaby by Gemini Creationz (now FTU) Font of choice, I used 2 Peas Mister Giggle Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 open a new image 750x750 flood fill white, Open GC_JALB_frame3 copy and paste it as a new layer, image resize by 60% smartsize. grab your magic wand and click inside the frame , selections modify expand by 6. selections invert, open GC_JALB_starcurtain and copy and paste it below your frame layer, image resize by 60% move up towards the top of the frameand hit delete, leave selected. open GC_JALB_paper1 copy and paste as a new layer below the starcurtain, image resize by 60% hit delete on your keyboard, and select none. Open GC_JALB_stardoodle and copy and paste it as a new layer, resize by 60%, image rotate free rotate to the right by 90%, move it up and towards the right side of your frame, now move this layer below your paper layer, image duplicate, image mirror and then image flip. open GC_JALB_flower6 and copy and paste as a new layer above all layers, image resize by 25% and move towards the bottom left of your frame. open GC_JALB_starstring copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 22% move to the right side of your frame, and towards the top, layer duplicate, and mirror, move it where it overlaps the other starstring. Open GC_JALB_flower 4 and copy and paste it as a new layer, image resize by 25% image rotate, free rotate to the right by 18% and move this layer below your white flower layer, arrange to your liking, copy and paste GC_JALB_paper2and paste as a new layer, below all layers and above the white layer, image resize by 85% now add a mask of choice. Now add your tube of choice, and drop shadow of choice to all elements, hide your white background layer, and merge visable. I resize my tag to desired size before adding my copyright info, add your copyright info and your name and save how you like to save tags hope you enjoyed this tut

smiles christy Ü

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sugary Sweet

Sugery Sweet Tube of choice, I used artwork Elias Chatzoudis and Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Sugery Sweet by Addicted 2 Scraps Template used Designs by Ali Valentine Template 2 Font of choice, I used Sharpie Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 Plugin used Eye Candy 4000 (gradient Glow) Open template, duplicate and close the oringinal, go image canvas size, resize up to 750x750 now flood fill the copyright layerwith white and send to bottom. select all, Open A2S_SS5 copy and paste as a new layer above the white layer now go image crop to selection, select none and apply mask of choice. When using a template this is how I do it, may help others may not,I grab my magic wand and go to the layer I will be working on, IE Raster one right now, I click OUTSIDE the rectangle on this layer(this way you dont have to do the select all, float, defloat, selections invert steps every time It is already done for you lol. )Find a paper that you would like to use as a background in your frame, I usually use something that compliments my tube. in thisexample I used A2S_SS4. paste as a new layer and hit delete. select none and delete the original rectangle layer. using your magic wand go to frame layer, click inside and outside the frame layer, choose a paper of choice and copy and pasteas a new layer, hit delete select none. I used A2S_SS10. delete the original frame layer. Select the banner layer and repeat, as above,I choose A2S_SS3 select none and delete the original banner layer. Now go to the Bracket layer, select with your magic wandfind a paper of choice, and copy and paste as a new layer, delete, and select none , delete the original bracket layer, I choose to useA2S_SS6. Go to your Heart layer, doing the same as above, you can if you want leave your heart the original color or you can use a paper of choice, I used A2S_SS9, Now you can add some elements of choice, I used A2S_SS59, resized by 55% and moved it downbelow my heart layer, Image rotate, free rotate, to the right by 9%. I also used A2S_SS56 resized by 45% this time and moved it down below the heart layer, image rotate free rotate to the left by 9% . I used A2S_SS83 and pasted it as a new layer sending to the top,image rotate free rotate to the left by 6%, and arranged to lay over the bracket layer. I also added a candystick behind my heartI choose, A2S_SS63 copy and pasted it above my sucker and below the heart layer, image resize by, 45% image rotate free rotate by 15%. I used A2S_SS39 resized by 15% and moved it right below my string layer in the middle of the bow at the top, I did the same thingwith A2S_SS40 but put it under the bow at the bottom of the string layer,. Now you can use the word art that is on the templateor you can Change it, I changed mine using Bankgothic MD BT size 30 with a kerning set at -75. you would rotate to the left by11% to make it line up right. Now is where I added my gradient glow to the heart layer, the bracket layer, and the banner layer, I used 3.00/ 0 / 100 color white. Apply dropshadow of choice to your elements, To make your tube look like the top half is out of theframe and the bottom half is in the frame paste the tube below your frame layer, select all (on the tube) float defloat, go up to yourframe layer and erase the frame that is covering the part you want sticking out, select none, no go to your tube layer and using theeraser tool erase any bits that are sticking out that you dont want sticking out (hope this made sense lol) when you are happy withyour tag, hide the white background layer, and merge visable. I always resize my tag before adding the copyright info so it will beclearer, add your name and save the way you prefer to save tags.

I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Fairies World

A Fairies World Tube of choice, I used artwork Rion Vernon Scrap used Pipi's World by Gemini's Creationz Font of choice, I used Affair by Rob Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 Open a new image 750x750 flood fill white (I like to work large, you can always resize and crop later)open gcz-element 20 copy and paste as a new layer,Open gzc-element25 and copy and paste as a new layer move up and to the left and then move it below the circle frame layer. open gcz-element30 copy and paste as a new layer, move down below the flower layer and resize by 70%, layer duplicate and then image mirror, arrange to your liking, use your freehand selection tool and select the stem that is showing and hit delete, move this below the first leaf element you put on the tag. open gcz-element 17 copy and paste as a new layer, image mirror move this layer below the frame layer and have it over towards the left hand side (You can use my tag as an example)

grab your magic wandclick inside your frame and modify expand by 6, Open gcz-paper1 copy and paste as a new layer below your frame, selectionsinvert , hit delete. select none, open gcz-element29 copy and paste as a new layer above your frame layer, position towards thebottom right of the frame. open gcz-element 7 copy and paste as a new layer, below the string button and above the framelayer, open gcz-pw-pippi and copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 50%, image mirror and move to the left of yourframe. add a drop shadow of choice to your elements, I use 2, 2, 50 , 5 black. Now add a tube of choice, inside your frame,how I made mine look like she is sticking out the top of the frame is this paste your tube below your frame layer, select all float defloat, now go to the frame layer, and using your eraser tool erase the frame that would be over her face, select none, now goto the tube layer and erase any other bits that are sticking out "BELOW" the frame layer, so it looks like part of it is in the frame and part is out, add your dropshadow of choice. now hide your white background layer and merge visable. unhide the whitebackground layer, select all on that layer, and then select the tag layer and crop to selection, this clears anything that may havebeen outside of your working area (IE The paper) I resize my tag before I add the copyright info so it will be clearer. add yourcopyright info and name and save. Hope you enjoyed this tut

smiles christy Ü

example using Suzanne Woolcott Tube

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bad Robot Revisited

Bad Robot Revisited Tube of choice, I used artwork Elias Chatzoudis Scrap used Bad Robot by Sticky Kisses Designs Font of choice, I used Vila Morena Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 Open a new image 750x750 flood fill white, you can always resize later, I like to have lots of room to skd_frame4 copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 70% (I always use smartsize when resizing scrap pieces)image free rotate to the left by 9%, move towards to top left side of your image. open skd_frame3 copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 70% image free rotate to the right by 9%, move down and to the right of the first frame. open skd_flower 2 and copy and paste as a new layer, arrange to your liking, open up skd_chain copy and paste as a new layer move down below your flowerand arrange to your liking, (or use my tag as a guide) Open skd_shoelace 2 copy and paste as a new layer, image rotate free rotate to the right by 9% Open skd_tools1 copy and paste as a new layer, image flip image mirror (makes the words correct on the wrench)rotate to the right by 12% image resize by 50%, bring this layer to the top (if it is not already) move over towards your flower. Open skd_screw and copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 30% move towards your flower and arrange to your liking. I moved this layer down below my wrench layer. open skd_paper 9 copy and paste as a new layer, grab your magic wand and click inside the frame at the top , selections expand by 6, image invert, and delete, select none move down below this frame. go to the lower frame and grab your magic wand click inside the frame selections modify expand by 6 selections invert, open skd_paper1 and paste as a new layer hit delete, and select none, move below the frame layer, Now you can add tubes of choice to your tags, I went to the paper layer, select all float defloat, selections invert and added my tube, hit delete to get rid of any excess outside the frame, do this in both frames.add your drop shadow of choice to all your elements. hide your white background layer, and merge visable, now unhide your white background layer, I added a mask layer to my tag, that is your choice, I resize my tag to the size I want it to be using bicubic before I add my copyright info, it just makes it clearer. add the proper copyright info and your name and save

hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Pipi's World

Pipi's World

Tube of choice, I used artwork by Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Pipi World by Gemini Creationz Font of choice, I used Ashbury Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9

Open a new image 850x850 flood fill white ( you can always resize later, I like to work big!!)Open gcz-element 19 copy and paste as a new layer, move to the left of your image duplicate and mirror. Open gcz-element 24 copyand paste as a new layer, image resize by 57% image rotate free rotate by 90% all layers not checked, line up in the middle of the 2frames. grab your magic wand and click inside the frame on the left, selections modify expand by 6, selections invert, open gcz-paper11 copy and paste as a new layer, hit delete. leave selected. open gcz-element 27 copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 50%arrange towards the bottom of that frame, hit delete to get rid of any excess outside the frame. leave selected, open gcz-element 34copy and paste it as a new layer , move it towards the top of the left frame and hit delete to get rid of any excess outside the frame. leave selected, I turned my opacity down on that layer to 60%. open gcz-element 33 and copy and paste as new layer, resize by 50%hit delete to get rid of any excess, I moved the tree below the grass layer and the rainbow is below the tree layer, open gcz-element 3 copy and paste as a new layer, I moved mine over to the left a little and then resized by 33%. You can add any other elements or tubes that you like. you can now deselect. take your magic wand and click inside the right frame now. selection modify by 6. Open paper gcz-paper1 copy and paste as a new layer, move below your frame layer and hit delete, KEEP selected. Paste a tube of choice in that frame, more of a close up type of tube, add a drop shadow of choice to the grass, tree, tube, frame and stitch layers. Open gca-pw-pippi copy and paste as a new layer, arrange bring to top, image mirror image resize by 50% move over to the left hand side of the tag. add your dropshadow. Add any other elements of your choice, I added, gcz-element5 and rotated it by 24% to the left. added a dropshadow . Now hid your white background layer and merge visable, copy and paste gcz-paper2 as a new layer, and apply mask of choice, I used a round mask. and lowered the opacity to 60% on this layer. hide the white background and merge visable, now resize to your liking befor you add your copyright information(makes the copyright stay more crispt and clear) and your name and save your tag, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bad Robot

Bad Robot

What you need : Tube of choice, I used artwork Suzanne Woolcott Scrap used Bad Robot by Sticky Kisses Designs Font of choice, I used DJ Spiffy Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 Open a new image 750x750, you can always resize later, flood fill white, Open skd_nut 4 and copy and paste as a new layer. do the same with skd_nut 5 and skd_nut6. arange like my tag above. open skd_robot and copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 35% move to the rightside of your tag. Open skd_screw and copy and paste and resize by 20% move to the upper left of your taglayer duplicate image mirror, image free rotate to the right by 78% move to the bottom right side of the skd_metal3 copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 25% layer move down, move down to the bottom right of your tag near the screw and robot, Open skd_glittersplatter2 copy and paste as a new layer above yourwhite layer. Open skd_glittersplatter1 copy and paste as a new layer above your glittersplatter2 move up a tiny bitto the right. open skd_paper1 copy go back to your tag, grab your magic wand, click inside your blue gear, selectionsmodify expand by 6, selections invert, paste the paper as a new layer and hit delete, select none, and move this below your blue gear layer. do the same with your other grear layers, using papers of choice, I used skd_paper6 and skd_tools1 copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 25% arrange bring to top, image mirrorimage rotate, free rotate to the right by 100% move it over to make it look as if the robot is holding the skd_screw, take your freehand selection tool and draw around the nut copy and paste this as a new layer. resize by 25% place it where you would like it, I did this a couple times (duplicated the nut and placed it in a few spots)now add your tube of choice, I placed mine in my gears on example 1 . now add a drop shadow of choice to your partsand gears, the robot and your tubes. (Not on the glittersplatters). hide your white layer and merger visable. I resize my tags before I add my copyright info, so resize to your desired size add your copyright information and name and save. Hope you enjoyed this tut,

smiles christy Ü below is another version using Elias Chatzoudis artwork.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


What you need : Tube of choice, I used artwork By Suzanne Woolcott
Template used, Pookers template 4
Scrap used Alice by Sticky Kisses Designs
Font of choice, I used Pea Andrea size 48
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
open Pookers Template 4 duplicate and close the original, image canvas size
resize to, 800x670 pixels (I like to work big)delete your copyright layer and
then go down to the white layer an fill with white, Go to Drip1 layer
select all float defloat selections invert, copy and paste skd_paper6 hit delete, select none delete
the drip1 layer. Go to Drip2 layer select all float defloat, selections invert , copy and paste skd_paper11 hit delete select none, delete the drip2 layer.
Select circle1 layer select all float defloat, selections invert, copy and paste skd paper12 hit delete select none. Select circle2
layer select all float defloat, selections invert, copy and paste skd_paper 13 hit
delete select none. delete circle2 layer. Select rectangle1 layer select all float defloat, selections invert, copy and paste skd_paper8 hit delete select none and
delete the rectangle1 layer. Select rectangle2 layer select all float defloat, selections invert, copy and paste skd_paper4 move it till you like where the lines are in
the selection, hit delete, and select none, delete rectangle2 layer. now add elements of choice from this darling kit, I added
the tophat, the cat, the rabbit, and the snail, I resized the cat and rabbit by 28% and the snall by 18% the tophat by 43%, I also added the
doodle behind all of the themplate layers, then duplicated it mirrored it and flipped it, I also used the skd_grass1 added it below the
tophat layer, duplicated it mirrored it and resized by 48%now you can add
your dropshadow of choice to all your layers, I use 2, 2, 50, 5 black. add
a tube of choice your, I added skd_paper7as a new layer above my white layer
and added a round mask, now hid your white layer and merge visable, I resize my tag before adding my copyright info and name, I resized by 85% bicubic.
I hope you enjoyed this tut,

Monday, March 1, 2010



What you need : Tube of choice, I am using Suzanne Woolcott Font of choice, I used TwinkleStar by RobScrap kit, My Flower Garden by addicted 2 scraps Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9

Open a new image 650x650 flood fill white, Open el 124 copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 75% move toward the bottom of your image, open el 120 copy and paste as a new layer, move below your fence layer, open el 108 copy and paste as a new layer above your fence layer resize by 80% move down and hide the bottom edge of your fence. layer duplicate, image mirror and move this below your tree layer (right above your white layer) Open el 101 copy and paste as a new layer above the top grass layer, image resize by 35%, move to the right side of the grass layer, open el 102 paste as a new layer resize by 35% move to the left side of your grassy area, open el 87 copy and paste it as a new layer, resize by 35% move down to your flower box, layer duplicate and move over a bit to fill in your flower box. open el 119 and copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 25% duplicate and fill up your flower box I mirrored a few of mine, open el 81 copy and paste as a new layer, arrange and move down above the tree and below the fence layer, image flipand resize by 35% and have it look like it is propped against the tree. open el 95 copy and paste as a new layer making it your top layer, image resize by 10% duplicate and mirror move it down a bit on your tag, duplicate and mirror again and then image rotate free rotate by 21% to the right and move it down a little bit more, open el 111 copy and paste it as a new layer, image resize by 10% and place it in your tree somewhere, now add your tube of choice if you want, now add drop shadow of choice to your elements, I did not drop shadow the tree, feathers or grass as it seemed a bit much But this is your choice, now hid your background layer and mearge visable, add a new raster layer and flood fill with #e0ebf8 and add a round mask of choice, merge visable again now is when I resize my tag, (before adding my copyright info so it stays clear) I resized mine by 85% bicubic added my copyright and name and you are done hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü