Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Post Card from the Past

Post Card From the Past Tube of choice, I used Suzanne Woolcott and Rion Vernon Scrap used FTU kit Sea Glass by Melita Blake Template used Divine Intentionz Template 298 HERE Font of choice I used Blanchard Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro,
All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any
other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials
to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a Missy's Template 298 duplicate and close the original,resize
the canvas to 800x800 (Lots of room to work)now we want to delete,
the copyright layer, the diamonds layer, the hearts layer,
Maintenance layer, the So high layer and the pixel words layer
and the bottom stars layer,(YES it is alot lol) I work with templates different than most,I click outside the circle, or rectangle. so when I select that is how I am working, First we want to start with a mask layer, so go to your white
background layer, you will want to refill it with white,now add
a new layer, select all, modify contract by 10, flood fill this
with #698b83 select none, now apply a mask of choice, I used
WSL_mask 138 you will have to use the raster deform tool to stretch the mask out a bit. Now working Up from the bottom layer of the template,
go to the Circle layer, select, modify expand by 8 now add
a new raster layer and flood fill with #698b83 now select none ,
adjust blur, gaussian blur set to 13 now move this layer below
your circle layer, select the circle, now open LBD_SeaGlass_p5*
resize this by 18% c/p as a new layer and hit delete, select
none, delete the original template layer, Now go to the glittered circle1
layer select, flood fill with #698b83, now add noise with these settings
Now go to the next Circle layer select, open LBD_SeaGlass_p4*
resize this by 18% c/p as a new layer, Hit delete, and delete the
original template layer, Now go to the thin rectangle layer, select,
now open LBD_SeaGlass_p7* resize by 18% c/p as a new layer and hit
delete, select none, delete the original template layer, Now lets go
to the glittered rectangle layer, select, modify expand by 2 flood
fill with #698b83 select none and add noise with the same settings
as above, Now go to the rectangle layer and select, open
LBD_SeaGlass_p3* resize by 18% c/p as a new layer hit delete,
select none and delete the original template layer, Now lets go
to the small rectangle shapes layer select, and flood fill with #ceb893
leave selected now add the blinds effect with these settings
Now go to the glittered circle2 layer select and flood fill
with #698b83 now add noise with the same settings as before,
select none, now go to the small circle layer, select open
LBD_SeaGlass_p2* resize this by 18% c/p as a new layer select
none and delete the original template layer, Now we want to go
back down to your small rectangle shapes layer, merge it down
to the rectangle layer, then merge that down to your glittered
rectangle layer, now duplicate this and then image flip then
image mirror, now arrange like my tag, Now we want to
start adding some elements from the kit. Open LBD_SeaGlass_branch c/p as a new layer and resize
this by 22% and flip it move it down towards the 2 rectangle
layers, now paste it again and resize this one by 25%and move
it towards the other branch layer, now rotate that to the right
by 6% now merge down with the other branch, layer duplicate
and then mirror this now rotate this to the right by 45% now
Open LBD_SeaGlass_ribbon2 c/p as a new layer resize this
by 22% image mirror and place over the branch and the bottom rectangle
(use my tag as a guide) Now lets open LBD_SeaGlass_flower1
c/p as a new layer resize this by 47% now flip this and arrange
with your branches, duplicate and mirror this flower, Now open
LBD_SeaGlass_flower3 c/p as a new layer resize this by 50%
arrange with your other flowers, we want to duplicate this and
move it over towards the right just a little bit and then image
rotate to the left by 9% now lets open LBD_SeaGlass_flower2 c/p
as a new layer, move this layer below the flower you JUST added,
now resize this by 40% and arrange with your other flower,
now lets open LBD_SeaGlass_post card, c/p as a new layer,
arrange this layer below your branches layers, Now image resize
by 18% now image rotate to the left by 18% and arrange like
in my tag, Now open LBD_SeaGlass_string, c/p as a new layer,
bring this layer to the top, resize this by 20% arrange so
the bow is above the top of your thin rectangle layer,
now when you are happy with all your elements and
template layers, add a drop shadow of choice,
(I did not dropshadow the cicle layers OTHER than the glitter circles)
I always use Lokas3D shadow on my stuff, but there are other plugins and psp's dropshadow is wonderful
as well, now add a tube of choice, hide your white
background layer and merge visible. I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info, it makes this seem clearer, add your name and copy right information and Save the way you prefer to save tags, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü