All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity
with any other tutorial is purely coincidential.
Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!
Open a new image 750x750 and flood fill white,
(you can ALWAYS resize later, I like having plenty of room to work)
Open PDS_AO-paper13 c/p as a new layer and
resize by 80% apply a mask of choice
I used Artmama's mask 06
Now Open PDS_AO-Apple1 c/p as a new layer, I
used my raster deform tool to stretch it
a bit in height, Now grab your magic wand, click inside the
apple modify expand by 8 add a new layer and fill with white,
move this below your apple, now open PDS_AO-paper14
c/p as a new layer resize this by 70% now selections invert
and hit delete, turn the opacity
down to 50% on this paper layer,
make sure this is below your apple layer, Now open
PDS_AO-grass1 c/p as a new layer,
I duplicated this about 4 or 5 times, moving some up
and some down, some a little right
and left untill I had my desired amount of grass
(again this is BELOW your apple layer)
when you are satisfied with the amount of grass
go to each of those layers and hit delete,
now select none, Open PDS_AO-basket1 c/p
as a new layer and resize this by 33%
Now open PSD_AO_Apple3 c/p as a new layer
resize this by 10% duplicate and rotate
this enough time to fill your basket
(all should be below the basket layer)
Now duplicate and add about 3 above your basket layer
(we are still working BELOW the apple frame layer)
Now what I did was hide all layers but the basket and
the apples that are to be in my basket
and merge visible, Unhide everything again,
Now lets open PDS_AO-bow5 c/p as a new layer
resize this by 46% and place it on your basket
handle, Now lets open PDS_AO-doodle1 c/p as
a new layer move this down below all your
grass and your basket (RIGHT above the paper layer)
resize this by 30%, duplicate and mirror and
bring it back over with the other doodle,
Now lets open PDS_AO-leaves3 c/p as a new layer
arrange this layer to RIGHT above your
mask layer, rotate to the right by 26% and have it
peeking from behind your apple frame
duplicate and mirror, Now open PDS_AO-tree2
c/p as a new layer THIS time above the apple
frame, image mirror and then resize by I stretched
this up just a tiny bit with the raster deform
tool, Now we are going to open the PDS_AO-grass1
again and c/p as a new layer, we want to
do what we did INSIDE the frame, duplicate it and
mirror a few times to make some grassy area
when you are happy with it, merge those grass
layers together, grab your eraser tool and gently
erase the square edges (see my tag for referance)
Now lets open PDS_AO-apple2 c/p as a new
layer and resize by 18% I placed a couple
hanging from my tree and a few on the grassy area
in front of the tree, Now open PDS_AO-tag1 c/p
as a new layer resize this by 40% and then
rotate to the left by 25% place this up towards
your stem of your BIG apple, when you are happy
with all your elements add a dropshadow of choice,
and a tube of choice, hide your white background
layer and merge visible,
I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my
copyright info, it makes this seem clearer,
add your name and copy right
information and Save the way you prefer to save tags,
I hope you enjoyed this tut
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