Friday, August 20, 2010

Strawberry Bliss

Strawberry Bliss
this tut is dedicated to sweet Janeann Thank you so much
for your friendship and support!!! Tube of choice, I used Suzanne Woolcott and Rion Vernon Scrap used So Berry Precious By NitWit Font of choice I used 2 peas Mister Giggles Template used 124 by Rachel Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
I had a request from a sweet friend to do a nitwit tut or two so
this is for you RobynLynn
This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro,
All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential.
Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open the template, duplicate and close the original,
now resize the canvas to 750x750, Now delete the copyright layer, and the ©bsilvia layer,
go to the background layer and refill with a color of choice, whatever makes it easier for you
to work with a template (I use white) (you can ALWAYS resize later, I like having plenty of room to work) Lets start on our rectangle layer on the template,
select and open bg_dotsbrown_maryfran resize this by 18% c/p as a new layer and hit delete,
select none and delete the original template layer Now go to the brushes© layer, recolor
using hue and saturation, with these setting Now lets go to the white strip layer in our template, select,
Open bg_stripedgreen_maryfran resize this by 18% c/p as a new layer and hit delete, select none
and delete the original template layer Now go to the black strip layer, select open
bg_houndstoothsalmon_maryfran resize this by 18% c/p as a new layer deselect and delete the original
template layer, now go to the pink strip layer select, open bg_stripe_maryfran resize by 18%
c/p as a new layer hit delete, select none and delete the original template layer, Now lets go to our large
white frame layer select all float defloat, selections invert now open bg_houndstoothcream_maryfran resize this by 18%
c/p as a new layer and hit delete select none and delete the original template layer,
do the same for the small white frame (using the same paper as above) Now select your large black frame select,
open bg_tickingpink_maryfran resize this by 18% c/p as a new layer hit delete and select none
do the same for the large black frame layer delete the original template layers when done,
Now lets add some elements to our tag Open mouse_grass_maryfran, c/p as a new layer
and resize by 15% arrange to the bottom right of the template area, now open flower_2_maryfran
c/p as a new layer resize this by 15% arrange with your frames, Now paste the same flower again
resize it by 28% and move this layer up to right above your large rectangle layer, place it
where it peeks from behind the frames, now duplicate this flower and move it down and to the left of the frame,
Open silkflower_2_maryfran c/p as a new layer and resize this by 20% move this layer down
below your white flower and place at the bottom left of the frames, now lets open leaf_1_maryfran
c/p as a new layer move this layer below your flower you just added resize the leaf by 15% and arrange to
where it is peeking out from behind your flower and frames duplicate and rotate to the right by 45% and move
this one up just a little bit, Now lets open mouse_maryfran c/p as a new layer bring this layer to
the top resize this by 8% and arrange to the left of the template like it is sitting on the large
frame, Now open ricrac_3_maryfran c/p as a new layer arrange this layer right above your pink
rectangle layer resize by 20% and image rotate to the right by 90% Now grab your eraser
(or you can use the freehand selection tool) and rid your tag of any excess you dont want showing,
Now I added bg_houndstoothgreen_maryfran resized by 18% right above my white background layer and
applied a mask, I used 158InsatiableDreams Mask I duplicated this and the flipped it, now add a
dropshadow of choice to your elements, and a tube
or tubes of choice, when you are happy with your tag,
hide the white background layer and merge visible. I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info, it makes this seem clearer, add your name and copy right information and Save the way you prefer to save tags, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

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