Mask found HERE
(if this is your mask please let me know and I will credit you asap)
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro,
All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity
with any other tutorial is purely coincidential.
Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!
Open a new image 750x750 and flood fill white,
(you can ALWAYS resize later, I like having plenty of room to work)
Open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_papers (4) resize this using smartsize
by 18% now c/p as a new layer apply a mask of choice, the mask I am using
I am not sure where I got it as it is just called image 17 I am
supplying it if you want to use the same mask
Now lets open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (9) c/p as a new
layer and resize this by 20% arrange towards the bottom of the mask area,
Now open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (6) c/p as a new layer
resize this by 20% arrange to your liking,
Now open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (4) c/p as a new layer
resize this by 9% arrange so it is climbing the door,
Now open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (31) c/p as a new layer
and resize this by 9% arrange this with your ivy,
Now lets open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (14) c/p as a new
layer and resize this by 5% arrange with your vines, duplicate and mirror
this move back over with your other flower I duplicated again and moved
this one down just a bit, I used my freehand selection tool to get rid of the
little bit of stems that were below the door,
Now open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (13) c/p as a new layer,
resize this by 18% and arrange with your twig,
Now lets open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (11) c/p as a
new layer resize this by 8% duplicate and mirror arrange to you liking,
Now lets open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (39) c/p as a new
layer and resize this by 8%arrange this layer to right above your mask layer,
duplicate and mirror,
Now lets open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (19) c/p as a new
layer and resize this by 8% place this layer above your bubbles layer,
duplicate and mirror and place this with the other balloon,
I rotated mine to the left by 14%
Now lets open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (45) c/p as a new
layer and resize this by 5% arrange to your liking
Now open StarLightDesigns_HappyBirthday_elements (41) c/p as a new
layer resize this by 8% now image rotate to the right by 57% arrange to your liking,
Now add a tube of choice and a drop shadow of choice to your elements
when you are happy with your tag hide the white background layer and merge visible
I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info,
it makes this seem clearer, add your name and copy right information and
Save the way you prefer to save tags,
I hope you enjoyed this tut
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