Alice's Tea Party
Tube of choice, I used Suzanne Woolcott
Scrap kit of choice, I used We R All Mad by Pimp'd Desingz
Font of choice, I used Bibleiotheque
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro,
All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity
with any other tutorial is purely coincidential.
Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog!
Open a new image 750x750 and flood fill white,
I Like to have room to work, this is your choice,
My tuts are written using this size image
open pd13-pp-01 c/p as a new layer and apply a mask of choice
I used 211InsatiableDreams mask, merge group
Open pd13-frame-03 c/p as a new layer, resize by 85% rotate to
the right by 6 grab your magic wand and click inside the frame
opening and expand by 9 invert, open pd13-pp-10 c/p as a new
layer below the frame hit delete select none, now open pd13-swirl-03
c/p as a new layer, mirror and rotate to the left by 6 now open
pd13-teapot c/p as a new layer,resize by 75% open pd13-tea-bag
c/p as a new layer and resize by 40%, now open pd13-rabbit
c/p as a new layer open pd13-greens-03 c/p as a new layer
place right above the mask layer, resize by 45%, I duplicated,
mirrored, rotated mine a few times, arrange to your liking, now
open pd13-greens-02 c/p below the other greens, resize by
45% again duplicate flip mirror rotate to your liking, now open
pd13-coffee-cup c/p as a new layer, resize by 42% place below
the tea bag layer, open pd13-brad-01 c/p as a new layer,
resize by 42%, open pd13-bottle c/p as a new layer arrange
right above the teapot layer, open pd13-card-01 c/p as a new layer
arrange right above the frame layer, resize by 30% open pd13-card-02
c/p as a new layer, resize by 32% rotate to the right by 9%
open pd13-flower-01 c/p as a new layer, right above the mask
layer, peek it out on the right side of the frame, open pd13-flower-04
c/p as a new layer above the mask layer and peek out on the left
side of the frame, open pd13-flower-07 c/p as a new layer, above
the last flower layer and again peek out on the right of the frame
now open pd13-ribbon-04 c/p as a new layer right above the
frame layer, add a dropshadow and a tube of choice, hide the
white background layer and merge visible.
I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info,
it makes this seem clearer, add your name and copy right
information and Save the way you prefer to save tags,
I hope you enjoyed this tut
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