Friday, July 30, 2010

Lost In the World of Imagination

Lost In the World of Imagination Tube of choice, I used Suzanne Woolcott and Caron Vinson Scrap used Enchanted Neighborhood By Irene Alexeeva Font of choice I used Mon Amour Script ALT Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image 750x750 and flood fill white, (you can ALWAYS resize later, I like having plenty of room to work) Lets start by Opening ial_enh_paper04* resize this by 18% smart size, now c/p as a new layer add a mask of choice Or you can do what I did, select all float defloat, now modify feather by 40 selections invert and hit delete a couple times Now lets open ial_enh_grass, c/p as a new layer and resize this by 24% arrange towards the bottom of your "mask" Now lets open ial_enh_tree c/p as a new layer and resize this by 20% arrange to the right of the tag and below your grass layer, Now lets open ial_enh_rainbow c/p as a new layer and resize this by 20% arrange this layer below your grass layer and right above your paper layer, I changed my blend mode to color on my tag, duplicated it and then turned the blend mode to soft light on this layer, Now lets open ial_enh_hammock and c/p as a new layer and resize this by 15% now mirror this, make it look as if it is hanging from the tree on one end and the rainbow on the other now lets open ial_enh_stardust c/p as a new layer resize this by 20% and arrange to your liking, now lets open ial_enh_petals, c/p as a new layer, resize them by 8% duplicate a couple times and scatter them across the grass Now lets open ial_enh_cloud 1 and ial_enh_cloud2 c/p as a new layer resizing each by 15% arrange these layers to right below the rainbow layer and one right above the rainbow layer, Now lets open ial_enh_ball2 c/p as a new layer and resize this by 10% arrange to your liking on your grass, now open ial_enh_book_pile c/p as a new layer and resize this by 8% arrange on your grass as well, now open ial_enh_boat, c/p as a new layer and resize this by 5% arrange this layer below your petals layer, now open ial_enh_book5 c/p as a new layer and resize by 8% image rotate to the left by 12% and lean it against the book pile, Now add a drop shadow of choice to your elements, I did not dropshadow the chouds, the glitter spray or the rainbow layers, add your tube of choice when you are happy with your tag,hide your white background layer and merge visiable. I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info, it makes this seem clearer, add your name and copy right information and Save the way you prefer to save tags, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

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