Saturday, July 3, 2010

Just a Girly Thing

Just a Girly Thing Tube of choice, I used Suzanne Woolcott and Rion Vernon Scrap used Playtoy By Missy of Scraps With Attitude Font of choice I used Scrubble Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image 750x750 and flood fill white, (you can ALWAYS resize later, I like having plenty of room to work) Open Playtoy_Paper11 c/p as a new layer, resize by 88% smartsize, add a mask of choice, I used Artmama mask 06,merge group, I duplicated my mask layer, now lets open Playtoy_RoundFrame2 c/p as a new layer and resize this by 70% grab your magic wand and click inside the opening, modify expand by 8, add a new raster layer and flood fill with black, select none, move this layer below your frame layer, go to effects, texture effects, weave, and add these settings gapsize 3, width 10, opacity 8, both colors boxes set to #e0b0c8 and fill gaps box checked, Now lets open Playtoy_RoundFrame1 c/p as a new layer and resize this by 60%, Now open Playtoy_SatinBow1 c/p as a new layer, move it up to the left of the frame resize this by 50%, now lets open Playtoy_Feathers2 c/p as a new layer, resize this by 36% move down and to the right of your frame, duplicate and then image flip, arrange near your other feathers, open Playtoy_Feathers and do the same steps as above, resizing and duplicating, (Use my tag as a guide) Now lets open Playtoy_PinnedHeart2 c/p as a new layer image resize by 36% and move over your feathers, now open Playtoy_PinnedHeart1 c/p as a new layer and resize by 36% image rotate free rotate to the right by 12% and arrange with the other heart, Now lets open Playtoy_Bottle1 c/p as a new layer and resize by 18% arrange with your hearts, now open Playtoy_Bear c/p as a new layer and resize this by 23% arrange with your bottle, Now lets open Playtoy_Lipstick c/p as a new layer and resize this by 16% Now Open Playtoy_Lipgloss and c/p as a new layer, resize this by 16% image rotate free rotate to the right by 90% and arrange with the other items and the bear, Now Open Playtoy_GlassHeart2 c/p as a new layer and resize this by 14% image rotate free rotate to the left by 18% and place over the knot in the bow at the top, now add a drop shadow of choice to your elements and a tube of choice to your tag, (I used a fat gradient glow on the glass heart with the color Pink) I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info, it makes this seem clearer, add your name and copy right information and Save the way you prefer to save tags, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial. I bougth the scrap kit and will do this ASAP.
