Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just So Natural

Just So Natural Tube of choice, I used Suzanne Woolcott and Rion Vernon Scrap used Care Free By Cora's Creations Font of choice Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9 This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro, All of my tutorials are my own creation and any similarity with any other tutorial is purely coincidential. Please do not copy my tutorials to anyplace, please link back to my blog! Open a new image 750x750 and flood fill white, (you can ALWAYS resize later, I like having plenty of room to work) Open cc-ribbon-01 c/p as a new layer, image rotate free rotate to the right by 45% Now Open cc-frame-04 c/p as a new layer image mirror and then image rotate free rotate to the LEFT by 45%. move this below the rope frame layer, and line up the 2 circles open cc-flower-05 c/p as a new layer, image rotate free rotate to the left by 45% line it up over top of the knots on the frame, to make it look like the stem is under the knots, (this is what I did, grap your free hand selection tool, turn the opacity down on your flower to say about 20% now go to the knots and select just them you can still barly see your stem so make sure you dont select outside the knot to much using that faint stem as a guide, when you have all three knots selected go to the flower layer and hit delete, select none, turn the opacity back up, if you are happy with how it turned out go on to the next step if not you can always go up and hit edit back to the point where you hit delete ) Now lets open cc-greens-03 c/p as a new layer, now go image rotate to the left by 45% move this layer below your frame layer, go image mirror and then flip and arrange to hang over the other side of your frame, I duplicated once again to have leaves behind the bottom end of the frame, Now lets open cc-flower-04 c/p as a new layer, move this layer up to the top, duplicate this and image mirror,duplicate again and go image flip arrange your layers so you have the center flower as the top layer, now grab your magic wand, click inside the paper frame opening, selections modify expand by 8 selections invert, open cc-pp-02 c/p as a new layer BELOW this frame,arrange so the grassy bottom is showing in your opening, hit delete select none, I used cc-pp-03 for my mask layer and a round mask (I like round masks lol) you can use a paper of choice and mask of choice it is your tag, now open cc-bead-01 c/p as a new layer above your mask layer, duplicate and image flip arrange to your liking, you can now add a drop shadow of choice to your elements, Now you can add your tube of choice, I always resize my finished tag BEFORE adding my copyright info, it makes this seem clearer, add your name and copy right information and Save the way you prefer to save tags, I hope you enjoyed this tut smiles christy Ü

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tutorial.. thanks so much for sharing it :)
    hugs... Aisha
