My Flower Garden by addicted 2 scraps
Graphic Program of choice, I use PSP 9
Open a new image 850x850
(I like to work on a large canvas you can always resize later)
flood fill with white.
Open el 103 copy and paste it as a new layer.
Move to the bottom center of your tag.
Open el 108 copy and paste as a new l
ayer move down to bottom center of your tag,
layer duplicate, duplicate once more and
arrange and move below your bench layer,
image mirror and move up a tiny bit.
Open el 101 copy and paste as a new layer,
layer arrange bring to top, image resize
(smartsize) 50% move to the right side of
the bench, open el 120 copy and paste
above the white layer, place where you
think it looks good. Open el 113 copy and
paste as a newlayer resize by 25%,
image rotate free rotate to the left by 77%.
move down to the bottom right of the tag.
Open el 117 and copy and paste as a new
layer, image resize by 40% arrange to your
liking. Open el 100 copy and paste as a new
layer resize by 24%place on your tag where
you like. Open el 77 copy and paste as a
new layer resize by 17% and place where
you like him I put it down in the grass to
the right lol, Open el 86 paste as a new layer
above your white layer, lower the opacity on the cloud
to about 60. Now open paper 1 , copy and paste as
a new layer above the white layer and resize by 67% .
Now apply a mask of choice
I used a circle mask. add your preferred
drop shadow to the elements you have added to your tag,
I did not add one to my top grasslayer but to the others
I did to try to give it a look of depth.
I used a subtle shadow on the tree 2, 2, 40, 12 color #ba86a8.
You can add any other elements that you like to your tag,
When you are satisfied, Hide your white background layer, and merge
visable. I then resized the tag layer by 80% bicubic,
Add your copyright information and name and save how you
usually save your tag
I hope you enjoyed this tut '