This is my very first tut ever, so be gentle please
2 Peas Tut
This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of paint shop pro
I use version 9
plugins used are
xenofex 1.01
eyecandy 4000
lokas 3d drop shadow (psp dropshadow works just as well)
This tag was made using the wonderful Collab kit
Peas in a pod by Gemini Creationz and Sticky Kisses Designs
you can find this kit at
Scrappin Bratz
Open a new image 650x650 You can resize later,
I like having a large canvas to work on fill with white
Open gcz doodle 1 copy and paste as a new layer
resize 85% I use smartsize
Open gcz doodle 2 copy and paste as a new layer
resize 85% . line up the two to look like a heart
layer merge down.
select magic wand tolerance set to 0 sample merged ticked and contigous ticked
no feather anti alias ticked, click inside your heart frame you made, go selections
modify expand by 8. Go to your white layer add a new raster layer and fill with a light
blue. Keep selected, go xenofex 1.01 little fluffy clouds, add clouds to your liking
still keeping this selected open gcz grass element
copy and paste as a new layer above you blue background, resize 55% smart size,
selections invert hit delete, repeat this 3 or 4 times moving your grass around until you have
the desired amount (you can resize it a little smaller or a little larger) keeping selected still
Open gcz tree element, copy and paste as a new layer, resize 48% move to the right of the
blue back, hit delete if any is showing outside your frame, paste again, and resize 38% this time
and move to the left of your tag and down a bit (use my tag as an example)
now open gcz-baby2 element copy and paste it right below your frame layer resize it by 37% and place where you feel it should be. (you should still have a selection active)
make sure you hit delete if there is anything showing outside your frame, now you can deselect.
Now on your frame layer I do a gradient glow with these settings
I apply this twice now lokas dropshadow with these settings
If you use psp dropshadow the settings would be 2, 2, 50 , 5 , black
Now go to your tree's, pea people, and grass layers and add the same dropshadow as above
Hid your white background and merge visable.
unhide the white background and open paper gcz-4 copy and paste below your merged layer, resize to 70%
layer load mask from disc, you can use a mask of choice or the one I used
was boundlessbliss_grungemask_1 (I am not 100% sure where I got this mask)
Now above the mask layer open element gzc_gsplat copy and paste as a new layer
Move up and a bit to the right, layer duplicate, image flip, image mirror , and place where you think
it looks best (again you can use my tag as a guide)
Open element gcz-sun copy and paste it above your tag layer, resize by around 48% and move to the upper
right of your tag, add the same gradient glow as above ( 2 times) and the same drop shadow as well,
Now open element gcz-butterfly, copy and paste as a new layer, image resize by 40% Place where you feel it looks best and add a drop shadow. ( I rotated mine by 12% to the right ) .
Hide your white background layer and merge visable. Add the correct copyright information to your tag and your name and Save your tag .
If you would like to know how I did the effects on the name, I used font Montelago Flaire ( this is a ptu font)
size 150 with a stroke width of 1.5 black and fill color #6ccf37 add your name, using vector, before converting to raster image rotate free rotate to the left by 8, convert to raster selections select all float defloat, modify contract by 2, effects , texture effects , weave, settings 1, 4, 1, color black in both boxes, fill gaps, keep selected, efects inner bevel with these settings, width 11, smoothness 27, depthe 5, ambience, 4
shininess 0, angle 326 , intensity 28, elevation 62. select none, apply gradient glow same settings as above 2 times and add a drop shadow
I hope you enjoyed my very first tutorial ever
I love it. Simple , direct and step by step directions make doing tuts for people like me so much easier to want to try them. Too many tut writers assume we know what steps are omitted. A great tut is one easy to follow, and clear instructions ( step by step). Great job. :) MaryD